It will work.

Our practice supports the development of beautiful + authentic experiences.  We build momentum through a clear + confident voice, community connection, and creation of culture through our work.

Integral coaching, neuroscience, somatics, and design thinking
to support you in your most outstanding creative leadership.

The Mineral Intensive

Creative Leadership Coaching extends beyond the 1:1 conversations, strategies + tactics that will move you forward, further + faster.

We include program design to develop new competence, get past subconscious barriers in aspects of your life, and open new possibilities for growth.


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Creative Council

The Creative Leadership Council is a group coaching circle to cultivate presence + perspective. Our capacity for presence enables–

Skillful management of challenging issues

Ability to support others wholeheartedly in their own process

Engagement in your own self discovery–one that energizes brilliant contributions to the world

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The Archetype Journal


Our challenges to maintain a clear vision, confident voice, and creative approach to our work demand personal mastery. What does it take to make it all happen?

The Archetype Journal is a free quarterly publication to explore a balance between being + doing that inspires
presence + productivity.


The Mineral Intensive

The creative blocks that impact our progress can be very challenging to identify and resolve.  By settling deeper into what we appreciate, we find what we already know. We discover that we’re holding many conversations with a future that we don’t yet acknowledge, while our unarticulated, instinctive self understands fully.

Our coaching practice begins with a 90-minute assessment. We then design a 3-6 month coaching program to develop outcomes and align with purpose. Our development unfolds through experiential practices that not only support growth, they also feel really, really good.



Creative Leadership Council

A group coaching circle to support development of greater presence + perspective for our growth as creative leaders.

Focus areas include–

  • Individual and collective support for learning experiences, struggles and successes
  • Management of the unpredictable flow of events and emotions
  • Skillful and authentic expression while under the limelight
  • Development of work and life practices with dedication and compassion

Both in-person and virtual programs are available. Membership fees are offered on a sliding scale.


Notes from Experience

I worked with Bryn at the Oprah Winfrey Network to launch Brené Brown’s first online learning program. She brings an incredible drive to apply cutting-edge tech to solve problems. I’ve seen very few people that can seamlessly transition between design and engineering; Bryn went beyond that by combining her talents to help tell and teach important stories. 

–Alex D.

Bryn has the ability to listen to what I’m imagining. Me, a non-designer. And from that, she’s able to pull out the details that create something beautiful.

–Stephanie K.


With Bryn’s background in technology, art and design I know that she will tackle problems differently than anyone else in my network. This always results in a fresh perspective. I seek her out for problems that do not have a standard path towards a solution.

–Madison M.

 The Mineral Promise

I will guide you in using your most authentic voice
To capture the cultural moment

I will connect you
To inspired + resourceful community

And I will empower you
To move with clarity + authenticity. To lead with integrity. To energize your community.

You will find this from my past clients, students, and partners, and I hope you will experience it for yourself. 

All my best,

Get In Touch

Many thanks for spending a little time with my practice. There are few conversations I love more than those about experiments in creative leadership.  Let’s talk about yours!