
Many thanks for taking a little time to check out my work. There are few conversations I love more than those about experiments in creative community.

Beauty is the harvest of presence.

–David Whyte

Design has long been my mode of cultivating values, making them real and sharing them with the community at large.

After several years as a software engineer with an eye for design, then many more as a human-centered design leader, eventually I’ve learned to see it all as a catalyst for moving human behavior. Given the typical generosity of spirit that comes with creativity, then coming of age in the SF Bay community and finally landing in Chicago where I’ve been honored to work with leaders in social good, it’s no surprise that I’m particularly obsessed with human potential bolstered by elegant technology.

Creative leadership + cultural exploration are my playground to experiment with betterment. What motivates people to do more, to be more? From fashion’s grace notes to the remarkable reach of artificial intelligence, how do we find our people and create cultural moments?

Collaboration with like-minded changemakers is my happy place. My work runs the gamut from creative leadership coaching and new venture advisory to innovation program development and design mentorship. I love joining leadership teams to develop the team + practice, and I thoroughly enjoy coaching individual creative contributors. Most recently I’ve joined Columbia College to help develop the ‘Future of Fashion’ certificate program, and my first course on retail innovation launched last spring. So many creative conversations to shape our future as a community! Let’s start up another.


Let’s Connect

If you’re thinking of launching your next chapter, breaking through that glass ceiling, wondering why people aren’t yet picking up what you’re laying down, or just want to chat about your bold vision for the future, I would love to connect.


8 + 8 =